The AbiK defense system was discovered in 1997 in Lactococcus lactis (N/A) . AbiK is a single gene system with a size of around 650 amino acids.
AbiK is one of the so-called "Abi" systems for "Abortive infection" discovered in the 90's in research related to the dairy industry (N/A) . AbiK is classified as abortive infection in (N/A) .
Since it was discovered a similarity in amino acids was found with AbiA. However, with the discovery of dozens of new systems, it was categorized as one of the UG/Abi defense systems (N/A) along with DRT different subsystems, AbiA, AbiP2 and Rst_RT_Nitralase_TM.
Those systems are characterized by the presence of a reverse transcriptase domain of the "Unknown Group RT".
Molecular mechanism
To our knowledge, the molecular mechanism is unknown. Similarly, for the other systems of this family, the molecular mechanism remains unknown.
Example of genomic structure
The AbiK is composed of 1 protein: AbiK.
Here is an example found in the RefSeq database:
The AbiK system in Lactobacillus ultunensis (GCF_016647595.1, NZ_CP059829) is composed of 1 protein: AbiK (WP_007126124.1)
Distribution of the system among prokaryotes
Group | Structure | Foldseek | System | Gene name | Subtype | Proteins in structure | System genes | Prediction type | N genes in sys | pLDDT | iptm+ptm | pDockQ |
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