The Mok Hok Sok system was discovered as a type 1 toxin-antitoxin system to stabilize plasmid R1 (N/A) . Sok (Suppression of Killing) is an RNA and serves as the antitoxin. Hok (Host killing) is the toxin and Mok (Modulation of killing) is required for the expression of Hok (N/A, N/A) . Hok/sok are not related to the T4 head protein Hoc and Soc. This system defends against T4 phages only, as far as we currently know.
Molecular mechanism
Upon infection of phage T4, the transcription is halted by the phage, which leads to a decreasing level of the antitoxin Sok within a few minutes. The Hok proteins manage to be processed in their active form and trigger cell death by depolarization of the membrane (N/A) before the later stage of the phage infection (assembly, packaging and lysis).
Example of genomic structure
The Mok_Hok_Sok is composed of 2 proteins: Mok and Hok.
Here is an example found in the RefSeq database:
The Mok_Hok_Sok system in Escherichia fergusonii (GCF_013819565.1, NZ_CP057221) is composed of 1 protein: Hok (WP_096937776.1)
Distribution of the system among prokaryotes
Group | Structure | Foldseek | System | Gene name | Subtype | Proteins in structure | System genes | Prediction type | N genes in sys | pLDDT | iptm+ptm | pDockQ |
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